Dr. Nate Sorum

"I am driven to improve your life, so you can pursue your higher purposes."
Nate started Sorum Physiotherapy as his way of delivering optimal patient results. He feels that today’s medical system does a great job in many areas, but all too often, the confines of clinician time and productivity result in merely treating a patient’s body parts and not the whole person.
Gray Cook, an internationally renowned Physical Therapist, uses an example of a camera when evaluating human pain and movement: when looking through a camera you can focus on small areas, but if the camera is zoomed in too close to the painful part, the full picture is missed.
If a complete picture is never visualized because of this narrow view, many factors affecting their condition are missed. Being able to get a full grasp on the individual’s problem requires listening first, a thorough evidence-based physical examination and then connecting the dots between the patient’s symptoms and the findings of the examination. This often results in correcting simple dysfunctions in adjacent areas of the body that play a critical role in the problem that the patient may not even be aware of.
Nate loves learning and refining rehabilitation techniques and strategies, but equally enjoys refining the art of effective communication with his patients. Nate is driven to mastery of his craft to improve other people’s lives so that they can pursue their higher purposes.
Nate feels truly blest to have found his true calling in life which is serving others through providing the best rehabilitation possible. He rejects the status quo in the medical field. The human body has remarkable healing and adapting potential and huge changes happen routinely when approached with an open-minded, hardworking, optimistic mindset from the patient and clinician.
Nate is accountable to each one of his patients. He is grateful for the privilege to work with and learn from each treatment session. Each day of life is a gift, don’t waste it. Live life to the fullest.

Get started with Dr. Nate today!


Dr. Nate's Bio

Nate received his Clinical Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Concordia University Wisconsin and his Bachelor of Science in Biology from Wisconsin Lutheran College. He is a mentor in the “WPTA” Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Professional Development Program. Nate is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association, and he is a certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist.
Nate uses his personal background in sports as well as his extensive post-graduate coursework and independent study on orthopedic conditions, sports injuries, and complex pain conditions to help his clients achieve their ideal outcome. Nate’s passion is to help empower and educate his patients on how to feel and move better.
He uses many manual therapy approaches including thrust and non-thrust manipulation of the spine and extremities, myofascial release, therapeutic massage, trigger point dry needling, and “IASTM” Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization technique.
Nate utilizes the “SFMA” Selective Functional Movement Assessment and Move2Perform, a cutting-edge computer application synthesizing results of several evidenced-based assessments. Move2Perform is used by many professional, collegiate, and national sports teams as well as the United States Military. Nate is privileged to provide this cutting-edge injury prevention and performance enhancement tool to his clients. He is an expert in therapeutic and corrective exercise.
Nate and his lovely wife, Linzi, are blessed with three amazing children, Evie, Myles, and Josiah. He stays active with basketball and golf.
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